Collaborative Vocal Improvisation

Start Date: 03-04-2025 (19:15)
End Date: 03-04-2025 (21:15)

In person event

Trinity Rooms, Field Rd,
County/State: Gloucestershire

Expect gentle voice and body warm-ups, transitioning into flow, and landing in forms and structures that help us to sing from the inside out together. In Collaborative Vocal Improvisation the choice is always there - to just join in, to take a solo, to be a third of a trio or the other half of a duet… or to stay still and receive. It’s a journey of discovery that few of us get to make with our voices, an exploration of self and sound that needs a safe space to emerge. We aim to let the self-judgement settle into a back seat while we slow down, surrender to the impulse and sing.

More events


Organiser: Siobhan Nolan


County/State: Gloucestershire

Country: United Kingdom

Start: 08-04-2025 (19:00)
End: 05-04-2025 (21:00)

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Town: Vancouver

County/State: British Columbia

Country: Canada

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End: 10-05-2025 (17:00)

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Town: Vancouver

County/State: British Columbia

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End: 29-03-2025 (17:00)

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