Stage de Circlesong

Start Date: 06-12-2024 (18:30)
End Date: 08-12-2024 (17:30)

In person event

Rue Louis Banneux 65
Country: Belgium

Un long weekend pour savourer nos univers vocaux en s’entrainant aux circlesongs ! En tant que conducteurice, on travaillera entre autre la fluidité de la construction, l’imbriquement rythmique et la complémentarité des boucles.
En tant que choriste, on se centrera sur la connexion aux autres, en aiguisant notre écoute et notre présence.

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Organiser: Alessio Castellacci

Town: Prague

County/State: Czechia

Country: Czech Republic

Start: 07-12-2024 (17:00)
End: 07-12-2024 (20:00)

An afternoon of Somatic Voice work and Singing Improvisation with Alessio Castellacci ▶︎▶︎ OPEN TO...


Organiser: Oleksandr Gaidai

Town: Basel

County/State: Schweiz

Start: 01-12-2024 (14:00)
End: 01-12-2024 (18:00)

Dear friends! I invite you to the 128th Singing Circle of Improvisation Soul. The Singing...


Organiser: Datura Martina Lo Conte

Town: Firenze

Start: 16-12-2024 (20:00)
End: 16-12-2024 (21:30)

Circlesinging, CVI, & Body Music activities within the initiative 'Cantare Per Tutti’, @ Sonoria, via...

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